film is a REAL degree

Thursday, December 01, 2005

my christmas vacation

it looks like it isnt going to be much of a vacation. i've got essays to do, readings to catch up on (as in actually finish reading those i only managed to do halfway), books to read for next term's syllabus, work on my research and speculative applications for summer/easter internships...

josh's constant job-application-form-filling is making me feel i should do more (thanks!) about my career. for once this year i actually signed up for a careers talk on the 'hidden' arts market.

going to apply for work placements in dance companies/arts venues over summer (and one for easter) and then have to contact careers to go over my Cv before i start sending speculative CVs in jan/feb and talk to them about funding me. so much work to do...

this vacation i am going to be FOCUSSED - afterall i'll be missing people like josh and ivy (why do you have to do this to meeeee...?) but it will be great to meet up with my favourite lao peng you and 02a53-ers.

farah, maybe we can study together? like old times... we go to VJ and sit in the canteen and do work..? pretend to be JC students..? :)