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Sunday, May 14, 2006

Pay strike set to shut down universities

Anushka Asthana, education correspondent
Sunday May 14, 2006
The Observer

Universities across Britain face a complete shutdown next month as plans are formulated for a one-day strike in the escalating war over lecturers' pay.

The action could come on 1 June, after universities have started docking pay and suspending lecturers who refuse to set or mark exams. Lecturers' unions are demanding a 23 per cent pay rise over three years, claiming they have been underpaid for 20 years.

The Association of University Teachers (AUT) and its sister union, Natfhe, have accused vice-chancellors of bullying their members and warn of 'a meltdown' if they do not agree to new talks.

Lecturers are already refusing to mark exams, putting the final degree results of many students at risk. 'This will damage higher education irreparably,' said AUT general secretary Sally Hunt. 'The universities should be concentrating on getting a settlement rather than bullying staff. If they continue, students will not graduate.'

Many final-year students are considering suing universities for loss of earnings if they do not receive their degrees on time. Some universities have contingency plans that would allow students to graduate without completing their work, but professional bodies and the degrees standard watchdog have warned that such a move could devalue degrees.

The crisis is already affecting students who are under intense pressure revising for exams. The National Union of Students (NUS) is preparing to beg employers to meet unions. It accused the Universities and Colleges Employers' Association (UCEA) of being 'unco-operative in setting a date for new talks'.

Although it has supported lecturers boycotting marking, the NUS is against the decision by AUT members to not set exams. Alain Desmier, president of the student guild at Exeter university, said: 'Students are disheartened about revising because they are worried their work won't be marked and they won't graduate. At Exeter, we think the lecturers are being offered a fair deal.'

The unions have rejected an offer of 12.6 per cent over three years, amounting to 4 per cent until 2008/09. Over the past three years vice-chancellors have been awarded the equivalent of a 25 per cent pay rise.

Northumbria University, Newcastle, was the first to be hit by plans to suspend lecturers who refuse to mark papers. On Friday, staff voted for continuous strike action after the vice-chancellor kept his pledge to dock wages by 100 per cent. It will be the first time staff have walked out indefinitely in higher education.

A spokesman from UCEA said: 'We would urge the AUT and Natfhe to put the offer on the table to their membership. It is a good offer and we urge them to take it seriously and consider the position of students.'


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