film is a REAL degree

Friday, February 03, 2006

Reading Week has begun

i'm off to Oslo, Norway for the next 6 days. but somehow i guess the inertia/dreariness of the term has taken the excitement out of what SHOULD be a super pumped up trip.

and the fact that it's going to be -11 degrees in Oslo tomorrow kind of makes me feel a bit unenthusiastic.


and someone will be dearly missed...


  • Sorry this comment is irrelevant to your current post. You mentioned in one of your older posts a song by Kopi Kat Klan. I'm looking for the album at the moment & was wondering if you had it. Would you be able to share the tracks with me ? Many thanks.

    By Blogger sarah has spoken, at 3:37 pm  

  • hi sarahlicious!

    sadly i dont have the CD... only some ripped copies of tracks. it seems to have never hit shelves anywhere!

    could you leave an email address and i contact you via email?

    By Blogger ade, at 7:35 pm  

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