film is a REAL degree

Sunday, November 26, 2006

getting confused with my own essay

i'm sitting her on a Sunday evening trying to write a 5,000 word essay BY tonight (because I am trying to fool myself that it is due tomorrow instead of next week) but i'm getting confused by my own essay. and i mean my own essay because i actually formulated the question and chose what films i was going to write about. then i started thinking how i make this essay fantastically insightful to warrant a first class mark.

but Surrealism is so difficult to pin down and hard to explain. and i'm stuck at the introduction of the concept and trying to make it sound ingenious and brilliant. because i know that the marker expects a heck of a lot in order to give a first class mark. he went on and on about how some past third year essays have even been published and he hopes we will write to that standard.

i am stuck mid-sentence because i cant remember what my point was supposed to be:

This deconstruction of space and time through the unification of ‘spatial elements of image and temporal elements of narrative that deconstructs the usual function of each’...



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