film is a REAL degree

Friday, May 06, 2005

it's raining... whee...

it's raining now (it's 10.25pm)... the sky is dark, and it is good proper rain (not like usual British rain that cant decide whether to not rain at all or go all out - thus a drizzle) and i feel suddenly in the mood to do work. "why?", you ask. because i love rain. i remember waking up early in the morning back home in singapore at 5am and realising that it was raining and i'd crawl back to my warm bed after getting out of bed to stare at the rain pitter-pattering on the window pane. i remember everytime it rained during a literature exam (especially practical criticism) and i'd love to sit near the window and stare outside (to break the monotony of writing and looking out out of the window, no one can accuse me of looking at other people's papers) and get inspiration to write. i love the blurriness that the rain makes everything look. i love sloshing around in the rain, how when you are walking in the rain you sometimes cant help but laugh because you always get wet no matter how hard you try not to... rain is comforting to me because my imagination just goes wild. rather than when it is bright and sunny and you wish you were outside instead of home. i guess i am a home person (which might explain the housewife instincts) and you know what i am thinking of right now? steamboat. curling up against the window, wrapped with a blanket and staring at the rain.

well, back to my essay... :)


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