Dear Adeline,
Thank you for your email to Professor Bone. We note your concern regarding the lecturers' strike. We too are extremely anxious for this dispute to end quickly and are aware that the employers are making every effort to resolve the dispute as soon as possible.
As it is UCEA who have responsibility for negotiating on pay I have asked UCEA to respond more fully to you as soon as possible.
May I take this opportunity to wish you well with your studies.
Best reards,
Susan Bradley, Information Officer, Universities UK
Direct tel +44 (0)20 7419 5523
Dear Adeline Li,
Thank you for your email addressing the impact of the academic unions' industrial action on your education. UCEA shares your concerns at the effect of the industrial action and I can assure you that we will continue to make every effort to resolve this dispute as soon as possible.
Employers continue to urge union leaders to reconsider their 12.6% pay offer. UCEA wants AUT and NATFHE to give lecturers themselves the opportunity to decide whether to continue the unnecessary industrial action harming students or to accept the final offer now on the table.
The academic unions' refusal to even contemplate putting the employers' final pay offer to their members - despite significant recent pressure from politicians of all parties, fellow trade unions, students and parents - remains a concern for everyone in the HE sector. However, it is students that matter most.
You may be aware that the vast majority of students oppose the exam boycott imposed by lecturers. The NUS has appealed to the AUT for lecturers to begin setting examinations for students but has yet to receive a positive response. It is important to note that strike action of this magnitude should be an absolute last resort - not one that is used before negotiations have even been given the chance
For a full briefing papers, press releases and media coverage relating to the dispute please log on to (click on "Pay Dispute"). I hope this answers your questions at a national level and I wish you every success in your studies.
Yours sincerely
Jocelyn Prudence
Chief Executive