i want to go to Cuba
Lonely Planet has this price guide for you to get an idea of how much things cost in Cuba.
Item Price
small bottle of beer Cu$1.00
highball of rum Cu$2.00
bike rental per day Cu$3.00
print film Cu$6.00
Internet use per hour Cu$6.00
ticket to ballet Cu$10.00 <-----
then if you look at this...
Average Meal Prices
Low Cu$105-210
Mid Cu$210-315
High Cu$315-420
going to the ballet is 10% the price of a cheap meal! waaaahhhh I WANT I WANT!
and then i discovered THIS
but yes, it's expensive... :( BUT HOW COOL IS THAT?!?
and as my brother pointed out a while back when he was thinking of going to Cuba, we'll probably be put under some security surveilance in Singapore when they find out we've gone to Cuba...